Random thoughts for those who travel. Ridiculous thoughts for those who dont. Until you know me, it might not make sense.HA.

Utila historical video. For divers and island lovers alike.


Ive been asked many times by many people, what exactly draws me to this small little Caribbean island of the coast of Honduras.  Over the years Ive either become inept, lazy or just plain bored trying to sell the feeling of Utila to the lay person who is more worried about iphones, after school activities or the traffic on the QEW.  To their credit (although never being short of words), Ive not been able to fully capture what it is I love about Utila.

Today, I was lucky enough to come across this video about Utila which uses the sinking of the Halliburton Wreck (to make an artificial dive site) as a background while (for the first time Ive seen), properly portraying the essence of this wonderful little place.  To all of you who have ever asked or wondered about this island I love and have called home, have a look at the short movie here and soak it up.

To be truthful, Im putting this up here just for me……..What an amazing video of an amazing place.


2 responses

  1. CarolAnn

    Awesome movie! Wouldn’t we all love to have people think of us this way. Such a tribute to the men AND to the island….I want to move there now.

    October 11, 2012 at 12:01 AM

    • So many good people there….the place has its challenges but overall its a gem. Glad you enjoyed!

      October 11, 2012 at 9:52 AM

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